суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Sepia Saturday 203

This Saturday I'm with Saturday Sepia again! As for the theme I'd like to quote Alan Burnett: "Have you ever noticed how many photographs are taken in doorways?" Oh, I have! A lot! Thus it was so easy to find pictures in family archive this time. Actually, these are not exactly "doorways", these are steps of the porch. This picture is taken in 1975, on the porch of the village house owned by my father's aunt Valentina. The house is located in village Skrebukhovo not too far from Moscow and the landplot with old wooden house on it was bought to be used as summer dacha. For few decades it was the only dacha owned by the family and my father was spending all of his summer vacations there before he became grown-up. Nowadays this dacha is owned by my cousin's family. I've never been there. On the picture my Dad is 21 years old. I guess he's joking or fooling someway. It is very funny picture indeed. The older fellow behind is his uncle Alexander Naigovzin also dressed in line with typical dacha dress-code. I guess he used to wear these pants to his decent office in the city until his belly has grown. I can see triangle patch of patterned fabric which enabled him to keep wearing trousers - but only in informal and extremely relaxed dacha environment :))

More black and white pictures of Skrebukhovo house and family members can be seen in my old post about scrapbook crafted back in 1978. 

Основатель "Сепии по субботам" Алан Бёрнетт предложил задуматься над тем, как часто люди на старых (и не только) фотографиях стоят на пороге дома. Я с ним абсолютно согласна. Это общее во всех культурах. Я интерпретировала тему, как "фото на ступеньках дачного крыльца". На первой фотографии мой молодой и полуголый папа дурачится на крыльце деревенского дома, который принадлежал его тёте Валентине. Дом в Скрёбухово долгие годы оставался первой и единственной дачей на всю большую семью. Папа проводил там все свои каникулы. Я там ни разу на была, но туда теперь выезжает на лето моя кузина Ольга со своей семьей, и папина кузина Ирина, а я очень этому рада. Заброшенная и не нужная никому дача - явление очень грустное. За папиной спиной его дядя Саша. Он ведет себя куда приличней, но его в прошлом приличные брюки на дачный манер незатейливо расставлены в талии треугольной цветастой заплаткой :)

У нас в семье хранится замечательный самый настоящий советский скрапбук про Скрёбухово. Я рассказывала о нём тут.

This picture was taken in 1981. Another dacha, Trekhgorka, where my mother has grown up. And the girl in panama is me, 2 years old. I guess nowadays this old house does not exist any more. Located too close to Moscow now it is a place where 20-storeyed apartment houses replaced old dachas built in 1950s and private apple gardens planted the same decade. I spent too few summers in my life there, but it was enough to become one of the treasured memories.

А на этой фотографии 1981 года - двухлетняя я :)) Старая дача, на которой выросла моя мама, находилась в посёлке "Трёхгорка" под Москвой. Дачи, к сожалению уже нет, на её месте вырос новый микрорайон города Одинцово. Мне иногда кажется, что добрая половина ностальгии, живущей в моей душе, связана с этой старой дачей, на которой я провела всего несколько лет. Но помню её до сих пор очень хорошо. Я расскажу больше, когда созрею. А пока - снимок дачи (в то лето, когда мне было два, ей было двадцать, с хвостиком):

12 комментариев:

  1. Sorry that house is gone...you are VERY cute on the steps in your panama hat and your red shorts! I visited your old post -- great photos! I wish I understood Russian...

    1. Thank you, Deb! Sorry for inconvenience - that story was posted before I joined Sepia Saturday. Actually there is not much to tell. The album was created by my father. And it is about one family event in autumn of 1978 - when all family members arrived to Skrebukhovo to pick tons of mushrooms :) I guess it never repeated again. Album is full of Dad's extremely funny comments upon pictures and I think these comments are really worth translation.

  2. Wouldn't you love to know what your father was about in that first picture. Something was certainly going on at the time!

    1. He does not remember :) I guess he just wanted to protest the process of posing to photographer and thus made it a joke. To me at looks like a comic prayer for something. Maybe some rain? :)

  3. There is so much history caught up in those three photographs . Thanks for sharing them with us and for sharing the stories behind them. They transported me back to the mid 1970s when we visited friends in Romania ans were taken on a visit to their lakeside dacha.

  4. Fun first picture and you look cute aged 2 in the second. Thanks for the link back to your previous photos.

  5. Катя, спасибо тебе! Я все твои субботы читаю, не все комментирую просто потому, что слишком много эмоций и воспоминания сразу появляется... Спасибо тебе за это!

  6. Always saddened to hear of apple orchards giving way to apartment buildings. Sad to think of the people stacked on top of each other where there was once room to roam. A very nice post.

  7. Maybe your father was doing his Rudolf Nureyev impersonation.

  8. Goodness, what fun doorways, or rather porch ways, whatever the case, great people most of all. You are just adorable too!
