суббота, 9 ноября 2013 г.

Sepia Saturday 202

I seem to be just on time today :) Sepia Saturday 202 offers "№1" theme - a portrait of a couple. I really like this one. My Grandmother Gratsia (Russian for "Grace") captured with Mikhail, my Grandfather. He's wearing striped pajamas and thus I conclude that she was visiting him in sanatorium - such pajamas were given to all patients staying in Soviet sanatoriums or hospitals. He suffered from tuberculosis and had to spend several months a year in sanatorium to receive due treatment.

I have a feeling that on this picture they are not married yet and it is the beginning of 1950s. I can't see any rings - but I love the knot which their beautiful hands and fingers form on the picture. Granny is wearing fashionable pencil skirt - and every time I'm looking at this picture I think of the missing button :)

Всем привет! Я сегодня опять с "Сепией по субботам". В центре внимания - винтажная фотография пары. У меня нашелся дивный снимок. Бабушка Грация и дедушка Миша. Оба молодые, подозреваю, что ещё неженатые. Судя по всему, ужасно влюбленные - стоит только взглянуть на затейливое хитросплетение ещё не окольцованных рук :) Дедушка в полосатой пижаме, за плечами - каменный вазон. Без сомнения, она навещала его в санатории, где он лечился от туберкулеза. Возможно, в санатории имени Герцена. Смотрю на это фото годами, и всё думаю - знает ли она, что у неё потерялась пуговица?

13 комментариев:

  1. Your grandmother was beautiful. It's funny that you notice the missing button -- I certainly didn't until you pointed it out.

    1. Thank you for comment, Wendy! Obviously I had much more time for watching this picture, which enabled me to notice the button was missing :))

  2. A lovely portrait to have, rather than the formal posed shots we more often have of that generation.

  3. Their hands are lovely...so much expression there! Nice photo, indeed!

  4. The picture on your profile looks a lot like your grandmother.

  5. Lucky he survived. I have a couple of relatives who died from tuberculosis.

    1. He actually did not :( But he lived long enough to give life to my father. 1969 took his life (my Dad was 14 years old, and it was 10 years before I was born).

  6. A lovely looking couple: so sad that he was afflicted with illness in that way.

  7. Вот просто обожаю фото с историей...а с твоими комментариями -оно невероятно "вкусное")))
